
Showing posts with label Thursday Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thursday Thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou-Rest in Peace

I can only aspire to live my life the way Maya Angelou lived hers.  She was full of grace, confidence and love and shared all of it with the world and the world was a better place with her in it.  Maya Angelou was a kindred soul and will be profoundly missed!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

Change...I have decided to embrace it!  We are in the process of moving and up until a few weeks ago we had no idea where we were moving to so to say we were stressed out would be putting it mildly!  I had faith that we would be taken care of but it was still stressful not knowing!  Now that we know where we are going to live we have been busy packing and moving and while that has been VERY stressful I have to say that we are excited for a change.  We are not moving very far, it's just across the river but we are moving into a house that is actually on the river which is really fun for us.  We float the river all summer and our dogs LOVE the water so living right on the river will be a total lifestyle change for us.  Change can be a good thing and it usually is!  Change gives us the opportunity to grow and experience something new.  So embrace CHANGE!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

Attempt the impossible!  If failure was not an option just think of all the wonderful, crazy things you could do!  Our only limitation is us; we place limitations on ourselves because we think we might fail.  But, what if we knew we would succeed?  Have you been wanting to try something new or make a change in your life but you have been to afraid of what would happen or that maybe you would not be successful?  Make today the day that you decide to try that something new or to make that change!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

My thoughts for this Thursday are all about forgiveness.  We all have things in our lives that have happened to us that have tested our ability to forgive.  One thing I have realized is that forgiveness is not about the other person it's about you.  When you hold onto feelings of ill will and revenge you are only doing damage to yourself, you can literally make yourself sick!  Dr. Drew said it best, "Resentments are like swallowing poison and expecting the other people to die".  I understand some things are more forgivable than others but if you have been holding onto a grudge or wishing something bad would happen to someone (come'on we've all done it!) then try to just let it go and forgive.  You don't have to forget, just forgive so you are not holding onto all those feelings of hurt and betrayal.  How do you do that, you ask?  My advice is to write!  Write an email or letter to that person.  The trick is that you don't actually send it to them, you just write about what they did to you and how it made you feel or write about anything else you would love to tell them straight to their face!  Once you get all of your feelings out onto that paper or into that email then burn the letter or delete the email.  It sounds a little crazy but it REALLY does help.  Just forgive; after all, you will be the one that benefits from it!  Have a happy & resentment free Thursday!

Here are a few links to websites that I find useful as well:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

Today for "Thursday Thoughts" I wanted to share another favorite quote of mine from Pema Chodron.  Do you ever find yourself saying "why does this keep happening"?  Well chances are it's because you haven't learned the lesson it was trying to teach you the first, second or even third time around.  Been there, done that!  So, next time your having a moment of Déjà vu take a different path and learn the lesson! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

**Thursday Thoughts**

It's time for Thursday Thoughts!
The quote "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got." is my favorite, all-time quote.  Basically, don't keep doing the same thing expecting different results; I think it qualifies as a definition for the word "crazy" too.  Instead of staying in the rut that you are in change what your doing or how your are handling the situation, take a different approach than you normally would.  What do you have to lose?  Whatever the situation, be inspired to make a change!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday Thoughts **New Series**

Welcome to my new series "Thursday Thoughts"!  I am excited to announce that every Thursday I will share something to get you moving & thinking in the right direction!

For this Thursday I wanted to share a quote that I love from the beautyriot.com website...
"Excuses Don't Burn Calories"
How perfect it that?  I don't know about you but I am anxiously awaiting Summer and since it will be here before we know it I have been getting back in shape and right now beautyriot.com has "22 Quotes to Get You Off Your Butt and to the Gym".  Be sure to check out beautyriot.com for the other 21 quotes!